Hope Is Better Than Fear: Paying Jack Layton Forward

HOPE IS BETTER THAN FEAR reflects upon and looks forward on a number of issues that Jack Layton championed over the course of his extraordinary career as an activist, city councillor and federal politician, including homelessness, feminism, civic engagement, the environment and–very dear to his heart–the Native experience, which is why Random House of Canada is donating its net proceeds from the sale of this e-book to aboriginal youth initiatives, as designated by his widow, the MP Olivia Chow. Taking up the charge to inspire and challenge readers and tap into Jack’s energy, optimism and drive, contributors Tzeporah Berman, Jane Doe, Pierre-Luc Dusseault, David Miller, Rex Murphy and Steven Page, among others, pay tribute to Jack’s record and point out what we need to do next. With this book, we are both honouring his life and work and paying Jack forward.

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